The True Success You’ve Been Looking For

August 8, 2024


The word itself is loaded. Complex. Much like our lives as women.

In a world that tries to define us by narrow standards, I’ve realized that true success isn’t about fitting into those molds. The easy thing to say right here is that it’s about breaking the molds (so clichĂ©), but the truth is that it just might be more about getting our own damn selves out of the boxes we’ve stuffed ourselves into and walking away from them. It’s about choosing a path that’s authentically ours (yes, it’s our choice), living a life lavish with freedom, and making a profound impact on others.

Embracing Authenticity: The Foundation of True Success

Authenticity is NON-NEGOTIABLE.

To be authentic means to be true to oneself. To embrace our unique qualities and live in alignment with our deepest values. For years, I tried to fit into a version of success that wasn’t mine. I wore society’s masks—perfect professional, flawless mother, tireless entrepreneur. But beneath those masks, I felt disconnected from who I truly was.

Authenticity is LIBERATING.

It’s when you stop apologizing for who you are and start celebrating it. Your worth isn’t defined by external achievements or societal approval but by your own sense of self. When we embrace our authentic selves, we unlock endless possibilities and become the architects of our own lives. It’s about making bold moves to live our truth.

Freedom of Time and Choice: Empowerment in Action

True success means FREEDOM—of time and choice.

As women, we juggle multiple roles, often leaving little room for self-care or personal growth. But true success means having the autonomy to choose how we spend our time and energy. Designing a life that reflects our priorities and passions, not someone else’s expectations.

Reclaiming my time was a RADICAL act of self-love.

I set boundaries, said no without guilt, and prioritized activities that nourished my soul. This freedom allowed me to explore new interests, deepen relationships, and invest in personal and professional growth. It’s about stepping out of the box and taking deliberate actions to craft a life that feels right for us.

Freedom of choice extends beyond our schedules. It’s about career paths, relationships, and lifestyle choices. Having the courage to pursue dreams, even when they deviate from the conventional path. Embrace this freedom, reclaim your power, and become the architect of your own destiny.

Making an Impact: The Heartbeat of Success

Making an impact is the HEARTBEAT of success.

True success isn’t just about personal fulfillment; it’s about contributing to something greater. Using our talents, skills, and experiences to uplift others and create positive change.

As women, we have incredible capacity for empathy, compassion, and leadership. Channel these qualities into work and communities, and we become catalysts for transformation. Making an impact doesn’t always mean grand gestures. Sometimes, it’s the small, everyday acts of kindness that leave lasting impressions.

Mentoring and supporting other women has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my journey. Offering guidance, providing a listening ear, advocating for women’s rights—these actions create a ripple effect. When we lift each other up, we collectively rise.

Balancing Ambition with Well-being: Sustainable Success

Success often comes with challenges, particularly balancing ambition with well-being. In our pursuit of goals, it’s easy to fall into overwork and burnout. But true success recognizes the importance of self-care and holistic well-being.

Success isn’t about relentless hustle; it’s about sustainable growth. It involves recognizing when to push forward and when to rest. Creating a harmonious balance between professional aspirations and personal needs allows us to thrive, not just survive.

The Power of Community and Connection

Success also lies in COMMUNITY and CONNECTION.

We aren’t meant to walk this path alone. Supportive, like-minded individuals amplify our success and enrich our lives. Professional networks, social circles, online communities—these connections provide inspiration, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

Throughout my career, I’ve been part of communities that uplift and empower women. These connections have been a source of strength and motivation. Together, we celebrate successes and navigate challenges, knowing we are stronger together.

Redefining Success

True success is about redefining it on OUR terms, with OUR terms.

Reject narrow definitions. Embrace an expansive, inclusive vision. Recognize that success is multifaceted and deeply personal. What matters is that it feels authentic and fulfilling to us. And remember that it’s going to change as you evolve.

As women, we have the power to reshape the narrative of success. Prioritize well-being, honor values, and make a meaningful impact. Choose to define success in a way that honors our unique journeys and exactly where we are at in every moment. We can celebrate our diverse life experiences and expressions, choosing to uplift and strengthen the collective. True success must also include the upward momentum of those around us.

Reflect on your own definition of success. How have you been defining it? Is it time for an upgrade in that definition? What does that look like for you? How can you embrace authenticity, reclaim your time, and make a positive impact? Remember, success is a dynamic, evolving journey. Live fully, authentically, and with purpose.


  1. Reflect: Spend 10 minutes today journaling about what authenticity means to you and how you can integrate it more fully into your life.
  2. Reclaim Your Time: Identify one area where you can set a boundary or say no to reclaim your time and energy.
  3. Make an Impact: This week, commit to one act of kindness or support for another woman in your community.

Let’s not just dream about possibilities—let’s make them our REALITY.

The power is in YOUR HANDS. Take the first step TODAY.


For more insights and to create your own lavish life, visit And don’t forget to search for The Lavish Leader in Apple podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube, or anywhere else podcasts are found and click subscribe. Remember, you too can live a lavish life of fulfillment, beauty, and love.

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I’m a multi-dimensional powerhouse with an unprecedented combination of experience, wisdom, education and intuition. I’m a high-performing professional woman who has lived through trauma and made it to the other side, truly healed and I am living an expanded, fulfilled life. I’ve worked with hundreds of women and helped them do the same.

Hey there, I'm
dr. Erin Martin

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