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26 min
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Vulnerability And True Healing With Dr. Erin Martin

Episode 505

26 min
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Living Unapologetically And Authentically With Bozoma

Episode 505

26 min
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Welcome To The Lavish Leader With Dr. Erin Martin

Episode 505


26 min
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Vulnerability And True Healing With Dr. Erin Martin

Episode 505

26 min
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Living Unapologetically And Authentically With Bozoma

Episode 505

26 min
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Welcome To The Lavish Leader With Dr. Erin Martin

Episode 505


26 min
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Vulnerability And True Healing With Dr. Erin Martin

Episode 505

26 min
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Living Unapologetically And Authentically With Bozoma

Episode 505

26 min
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Welcome To The Lavish Leader With Dr. Erin Martin

Episode 505

self love

The Lavish Leader is a biweekly podcast about self discovery, healing and living life to your highest potential in complete alignment.

A podcast for High Level Women Conquering Life

'Dr. Martin is one of those people that you meet and instantly realize she is tapped into something BIG. She coached me into the best health and shape of my life.'

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Meet dr. Erin Martin,  Your Podcast Host

I’m a multi-dimensional powerhouse with an unprecedented combination of experience, training, education, wisdom, and intuition. I’m a high-performing professional woman who has lived through trauma and made it to the other side, truly healed and I am living an expanded, fulfilled life. I’ve worked with hundreds of other women and helped them do the same. 

This podcast is for you if you're ready to finally give air-time to the small voice inside of you that has kept you coming back to yourself since you were little, that never believed what others told you was true about who you are and what you could or couldn't do. You're ready to expand your consciousness and clear out all that no longer serves your mind, body, and soul.

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"I love listening to Erin speak about the topics close to my heart, I constantly play your podcast when I get ready for the day"

- a lavish listener



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