Success and Womanhood

July 30, 2024

How to Navigate Success While Owning Your Space with Ashley Davis

Introduction: The Lavish Leader Journey

Today’s episode promises to resonate deeply with all the women in our audience. Success and womanhood are broad topics, but we will see this in action today. Our guest, Ashley Davis, is a trailblazer in the world of lobbying and public policy. As the lead principal at Westfront Strategies, a multimillion-dollar lobbying firm she co-founded in 2015, Ashley has carved a niche for herself in a predominantly male-dominated industry. Her career is marked by significant roles, including her tenure at the White House post-9/11, where she served as Special Assistant to National Director and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge. Ashley’s dedication to her work and passion for public policy have made her a respected figure in the political and business arena. Beyond her professional achievements, she is deeply committed to philanthropy and mentorship, particularly in supporting and empowering women globally. Her story is a testament to the power of dedication, resilience, and the drive to make a meaningful impact.

Ashley Davis: A Journey of Leadership and Influence

Ashley’s impressive career began in her late twenties when she served as Special Assistant to National Director and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge immediately after 9/11. Her experiences during this critical time in American history were pivotal in shaping her career trajectory. I find it inspiring how Ashley’s drive and ambition are deeply rooted in her family history, particularly influenced by her grandfather. Her dedication to hard work and excellence saw her working tirelessly, often seven days a week, long before the advent of BlackBerrys and iPhones. This relentless pursuit of success laid the foundation for her achievements in the political and business arenas.

What strikes me most about Ashley’s journey is her unwavering commitment to her goals. It’s a reminder that success doesn’t come without sacrifices and a relentless work ethic. Ashley’s story resonates with many of us who have had to balance multiple responsibilities while striving for excellence in our careers. It’s a reminder that success and womanhood are often built on the foundation of hard work and perseverance.

The Power of Mentorship and Support

A significant theme in Ashley’s story is the role of mentorship. Interestingly, all her mentors were men, a common experience we share. These mentors were crucial in guiding her through the complexities of the business world, providing support and wisdom that helped propel her career forward. This mentorship, coupled with her unwavering work ethic, was instrumental in her success. Ashley’s story emphasizes the importance of having mentors who believe in you and support your growth, regardless of gender.

One of the aspects of Ashley’s journey that I found particularly inspiring is her commitment to balancing her professional and personal life. Despite her demanding career, she has made it a priority to support and mentor other women and to engage in philanthropic activities. This balance is something that many of us strive for, and Ashley’s example is a powerful reminder that it is possible to achieve success while also making time for the things that matter most. This is a powerful testament to the true meaning of success and womanhood. They are not mutually exclusive, and society’s standards may not always measure success.

In my journey, I’ve also found mentorship to be invaluable. Having mentors who believe in you and are willing to invest in your growth can make a world of difference. It’s about receiving guidance and having someone who inspires you to push beyond your limits and achieve your true potential. Ashley’s experience reinforces the importance of seeking mentors and building those crucial relationships that can shape our professional and personal lives.

Empowering Women Globally

One of Ashley’s most profound passions is supporting women in leadership, both in the United States and globally. Through organizations like Vital Voices and the Women’s Democracy Network, she has trained women worldwide, from South America to the Middle East. These experiences have been incredibly humbling and inspiring for her. She shares stories of women who risk their lives to run for office, highlighting the stark differences in the challenges women face in different parts of the world. Ashley’s commitment to empowering these women is driven by her belief in the transformative power of female leadership.

I am deeply moved by Ashley’s dedication to empowering women globally. It’s a cause that is close to my heart as well. The stories she shared about women in different parts of the world risking their lives for the chance to lead are heart-wrenching and inspiring. It’s a stark reminder of the privileges we often take for granted and the importance of supporting women in all parts of the world. Ashley’s work highlights women’s incredible strength and resilience and underscores the need for continued efforts to support and uplift female leaders globally. This global perspective is crucial in understanding the full scope of what success and womanhood truly mean.

Authenticity in Leadership

Authenticity is a core principle in my Lavish Framework, and Ashley’s journey is a powerful example. Despite her success, she constantly reflects on her path and makes small pivots to stay true to herself. She speaks candidly about the importance of remaining authentic in a world that often values appearances over substance. For Ashley, authenticity means staying true to her values and continuously striving to make a meaningful impact, whether in her professional life or through her philanthropic efforts.

In my life and work, I have found that authenticity is not just about being true to oneself but also about being transparent and honest in our interactions with others. It’s about leading with integrity and staying committed to our core values, even when challenging. Ashley’s commitment to authenticity in her leadership reminds us that true success is not just about achievements but also about staying true to who we are and what we believe in, no matter the environment or the potential forces at work that would try to convince us differently.

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities

Ashley’s story also touches on the unique challenges women face in leadership roles, particularly in the political and business sectors. She discusses the concept of quotas for women in leadership and the potential drawbacks of such policies. Her perspective is that while quotas can ensure representation, they don’t necessarily guarantee the right kind of representation. She believes in supporting women who are genuinely qualified and committed to their roles rather than fulfilling quotas for the sake of appearances.

I appreciate Ashley’s nuanced perspective on this issue. While quotas can be a valuable tool for increasing representation, ensuring that the women being promoted are genuinely qualified and capable of making a meaningful impact is essential. We are more than a pretty face filling a seat at the table. It’s about creating opportunities for women who have the potential to lead and make a difference, not just filling a quota. This approach ensures we support and empower the right leaders to drive real change.

The Importance of Self-Reflection

Throughout our conversation, Ashley emphasized the importance of self-reflection and personal growth. As she looks towards the future, she remains committed to continuous self-improvement and staying relevant in her field. This involves regular introspection and being open to new opportunities and challenges. Her morning routine, which includes reading, working out, and writing, is a testament to her dedication to maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

I resonate deeply with Ashley’s emphasis on self-reflection. In my life, I have found that taking the time to reflect on my path and make adjustments as needed is crucial for continued growth and success. It’s about being honest with ourselves about what’s working and what’s not, and being willing to make changes to stay true to our goals and values. Ashley’s dedication to self-improvement is a powerful reminder of the importance of continuous growth and learning. Self-reflection is another crucial element on the path towards success and womanhood.

Spirituality and Personal Growth

Our discussion also delved into the realm of spirituality. Ashley shared her journey of exploring different religions and spiritual beliefs, moving away from her strict religious upbringing to a more open and personal exploration of spirituality. This journey has been about finding what resonates with her soul and aligns with her values. For many women, including myself, spirituality is a deeply personal journey that evolves over time and plays a crucial role in our overall well-being.

Spirituality has also been a significant part of my journey. The evolution of spirituality’s meaning and the role it plays in our lives is a continual unfoldment that, when prioritized, provides infinite value. Ashley’s exploration of spirituality and her openness to different beliefs reminds us that spirituality is not about adhering to a specific set of beliefs but about finding what brings us peace and fulfillment. Spirituality is often integral to success and womanhood, providing a foundation for inner peace and fulfillment.

Elevating Qualified Female Leaders

Advocating for genuinely qualified female candidates is essential in the political arena. Ashley’s work in this area is driven by her belief that women bring unique problem-solving skills and perspectives that can profoundly impact society. She emphasizes the importance of backing candidates who are not only dedicated and competent but also capable of making meaningful contributions, regardless of their political affiliation.

I deeply respect Ashley’s commitment to promoting capable female leaders. As she shared, it’s not just about increasing the number of women in positions of authority but ensuring that these women are truly equipped to lead and make a difference. Supporting genuinely qualified women ensures we empower the right leaders who can drive real change.

Ashley also mentioned her involvement with figures like Nikki Haley, appreciating her ability to tackle issues head-on and engage in meaningful conversations. According to Ashley, this kind of leadership is crucial for progress. I agree with Ashley that supporting legitimate candidates who can address complex issues thoughtfully and effectively is vital for advancing gender equality in leadership.

We both believe that it’s about providing opportunities for women who have the potential to lead and transform. Backing women prepared to make a real impact drives progress and fosters a more inclusive leadership landscape. We both feel that the world is ready for this change and that this support is crucial in advancing equality, success and womanhood worldwide.

The Loneliness of Success

A topic that often comes up in discussions with successful women is the loneliness that can accompany success. Ashley shared her experiences with this, particularly as she transitioned from a hectic work schedule to a more balanced lifestyle. She spoke about the importance of staying relevant and the pressures of maintaining success in a competitive industry. This resonated deeply with me, as many of us who have achieved significant career milestones have experienced similar feelings of isolation.

I have also grappled with the loneliness of success. It’s the paradox of achieving your dreams and yet feeling a sense of disconnection. Ashley’s candidness about her experiences reminds us that we are not alone in these feelings. We must seek out supportive communities and relationships to help us navigate these challenges and find fulfillment beyond our professional achievements.

Conclusion: Embracing the Lavish Life

In conclusion, Ashley Davis’s journey is a powerful reminder of the importance of dedication, authenticity, and continuous self-improvement. Her story inspires us to remain faithful to ourselves, support each other, and strive for excellence in all our endeavors. As we continue to navigate our paths, let us embrace the lavish life—a life of fulfillment, beauty, and love. Thank you for joining us on this episode of The Lavish Leader: Unveiling Wisdom. Let’s continue to explore the true meaning of success and womanhood together.


This blog post encapsulates the essence of the podcast episode, weaving in my insights and reflections. To more powerfully immerse yourself in the wisdom and nuances of these conversations, please listen to the entire episode. You can also catch all of my bi-weekly downloads of The Lavish Leader on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and YouTube, or anywhere else podcasts are found, and click subscribe.

For more insights and guidance on how to live a lavish life, visit my website.

Remember, you, too, can live a lavish life of fulfillment, freedom, and joy.

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I’m a multi-dimensional powerhouse with an unprecedented combination of experience, wisdom, education and intuition. I’m a high-performing professional woman who has lived through trauma and made it to the other side, truly healed and I am living an expanded, fulfilled life. I’ve worked with hundreds of women and helped them do the same.

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dr. Erin Martin

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